Blauer Kasten mit Text: Change Coaching

Use my experience for your implementation

Blauer Kasten mit Text: Change Coaching

Use my experience for your implementation

Frustrierter Mann mit Händen im Gesicht am Schreibtisch
Frustrierter Mann mit Händen im Gesicht am Schreibtisch

The challenge lies in the complexity

Maybe your company has undertaken a major transformation and you are in the thick of it. You are a change facilitator or manager and realise that this task presents you with a real challenges? How do you get people on board when nothing is certain yet? How exactly do I lead through the change and activate others when they start from different positions? How do I reconcile all the requirements?

Do you wish things were a little easier?

You already have previous change management experience, but this project presents you with new challenges which you would like to have a little assistance with?

Then my online change management coaching is just the right thing for you! I'll accompany your implementation.

Aufstellungsmenschen als Coaching Methode

Taking the lead with confidence and resolve

My questions and impulses will help you analyse the situation and identify the motives and causes. There are usually several ways to reach the goal. In our remote sessions we identify your scope of action and simulate which effects you would create with various approaches. You then choose the approach that suits you best. Knowing your options gives you confidence to act. Knowing the effects gives you self-assurance when arguing your case.

My online change management coaching strengthens your change skills and gives you support in the implementation.

Your added value with change coaching

The online change coaching is tailored to your needs and, if you wish, to the duration of your change project. Usually there are 6-7 coaching sessions, each lasting 90 minutes. These will empower and equip you so that you can reliably take the lead. You'll get...

New impulses through specific questions.

An overview of your situation and your possibilities.

Assistance with the implementation.

More confidence in your abilities and a good gut instinct.

Weighing your next steps by anticipating the effects.

More self-assurance explaining your decision.

More competence and decision-making skills in business.

A list of options, just in case!

Start your coaching process in 3 steps:

  1. If we don't know each other yet, we start with an introductory talk. You will receive a questionnaire in advance via email, which will help you prepare for the interview. It's all about your assessment of the situation, your need for support and, of course, the goal you want to achieve.
  2. In the introductory meeting we take a look at your current situation, where you want to go and whether my change coaching is the best way for you to reach your goal. Of course, we'll also make sure you (coachee) and me (coach) are a good fit. This is just as important for the success of your coaching!
  3. My change coaching always accompanies the implementation and is aimed at enhancing your skills and enabling you to see clearly and take action. If we both come to the conclusion that I can help you, we'll agree on the further coaching process and the specific dates for your online coaching sessions.

Memoji Daumen hoch

Ready? Let’s get started!

Ready? Let’s get started!

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Let's walk the road of success together!

Grinsende Business Frau mit Fäuste jubelnd in die Höhe

Let's walk the road of success together!

Drop me a line!

If you have a question or would like to know more about the right service for your specific situation, just drop me a line. I'd be happy to advise you!

2 + 1 =

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