


Blauer Kasten mit Text: Change Coaching
Blauer Kasten mit Text: Change Coaching

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Nicole Wehring

Kathrins Geheimnis ist ihr echtes Interesse an der Sichtweise der anderen Person. Diese EMPATHIE war der wichtigste Treibstoff in unserer Zusammenarbeit, um meine Ressourcen zu erschließen. In einer Phase der totalen beruf­lichen Orientierungslosigkeit gelang es mir mit Kathrins Unter­stützung, mich wieder auf das Wesentliche zu konzentrieren. Ich gewann Selbstvertrauen, Durch­setzungsvermögen und vor allem meine KREATIVITÄT zurück, die ich verloren glaubte, um die vor mir liegenden Herausforderungen zu meistern.

Nicole Wehring

People Lead, Ottogroup

Tina Niemann

Kathrin's superpower?

Personally tailoring the support needed to each in the way that projects need to be successful.

It was time-critical. It was risky. It was big shoes to fill. And it worked fantastically. Getting support for an entire workshop session as an audio guide via Messenger is something I haven't experienced before. Any audio book is boring by comparison. I couldn't have been better prepared. Thank you Kathrin!

Tina Niemann


Kathrin's support is a particular asset for those who have to master challenging day-to-day business and profound changes at the same time. She understands the operational concerns of change leaders just as well as the complex demands on top management. Here one learns to see business situations in the context of necessary changes and to outline ways into the future that generate approval and motivation among employees. It explains the mechanisms of change, identifies the real causes of blockages and provides pragmatic help for self-help.

Ulf Weise


Drop me a line!

If you have a question or would like to know more about the right service for your specific situation, just drop me a line. I'd be happy to advise you!

14 + 4 =

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