Quick Fix

Your on-the-spot change management support

Quick Fix

Your on-the-spot change management support 

Time pressure and no solution in sight?

Frustrierte Frau im Change Prozess mit Händen im Gesicht

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by all the wishes and demands when it comes to change?

Maybe you are in charge of a change project or a transformation and things are not going as planned? Maybe your project has looked quite good so far and now it is blocked somewhere? Or have you just been approached with an "additional request" that seems impossible to realise?

If you have the feeling that you need a solution right now, fast and uncomplicated, then the Quick-Fix is exactly what you need!

1 step forward in just 90 minutes with the Quick Fix!

There is always a situation in which you need immediate and straightforward support.

In such a situation, you can't just book a training course to get ahead. Nor can you always get a coaching or counselling session quickly and easily - just one and not an entire contract.

To offer you a way out of exactly this situation, there is the Quick-Fix!

Change projects are almost always time-critical and very complex - no wonder, they involve people after all.

The more professional experience we have, the quicker we see possibilities and next steps that could be taken now in the project to move forward. And sometimes it takes a second pair of eyes and a different background of experience to see additional options that you have not yet encountered yourself.


1 step forward in just 90 minutes with the Quick Fix!

There is always a situation in which you need immediate and straightforward support.

In such a situation, you can't just book a training course to get ahead. Nor can you always get a coaching or counselling session quickly and easily - just one and not an entire contract.

To offer you a way out of exactly this situation, there is the Quick-Fix!

Change projects are almost always time-critical and very complex - no wonder, they involve people after all.

The more professional experience we have, the quicker we see possibilities and next steps that could be taken now in the project to move forward. And sometimes it takes a second pair of eyes and a different background of experience to see additional options that you have not yet encountered yourself.

This is how the Quick Fix works:

30 Minuten Erzählen

You tell me about your project.

30 Minuten Fragen

I ask you questions regarding your project and your method.

20 Minuten Handlungsoptionen

We discuss possible solutions and scopes of action you have.

10 Minuten Lösungsmöglichkeiten

You decide what the best next step for you is.

What you'll get with the Quick Fix

Once you have booked a Quick-Fix appointment with me, you will receive a guideline. It'll make it easier for you to prepare for our appointment. In the first 30 minutes, we can safely gather all relevant details about the current situation.

During the appointment we'll also use a specific structure. We use a matrix I developed of possible problem areas and the corresponding solution spaces. In this way, we will always keep the big picture in mind while we go into the most important individual issues in more detail.

New impulses through specific questions.

A new solution with your insider knowledge, my experience and extensive tools.

Development of several possible new steps for you.

Pressure on you is reduced and you get into a more favourable position.

Bringing in an expert at specific points will help you keep everything in mind when considering your next steps.

More certainty in your argumentation if your decision needs to be explained.

More self-confidence and a good gut instinct for your next steps!

Probably a plan B too, just to be on the safe side!

Conclusion: A quick and uncomplicated step forward

So if you need a solution to your change problem right now, and don't want to read books, take courses or sign a consulting framework contract first, then book a Quick-Fix.

Quick and uncomplicated, in 90 minutes one step further towards change success! The price for an individual session including preparation and follow-up is: 350,-€.

Of course you can also book the Quick-Fix if you just want to test my change expertise. Maybe you are thinking about doing your change leader training with me and would like to experience me in person and in action beforehand? Sounds great! However, you should have a change topic with you that we can work on together.

The booking is handled by digistore24. For more information see the privacy policy.

The booking is handled by digistore24. For more information see the privacy policy.

If you have the feeling that a quick fix might not be just right for your change needs, then take a look at my other change coaching services. I can also accompany you through your implementation process as an "invisible" little expert on your shoulder.

Grinsende Business Frau mit Fäuste jubelnd in die Höhe

Let’s walk the road to success together!

Drop me a line!

If you have a question or would like to know more about the right service for your specific situation, just drop me a line. I'd be happy to advise you!

9 + 14 =

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