Start your change management
training with hands-on support
Starte Dein Change Management Training mit Umsetzungsbegleitung
Navigating through complex changes safely
Your task is to efficiently accompany the upcoming changes. Your environment is dynamic and your challenges are diverse. It is easy to get entangled in a thicket of requirements, possibilities and what is feasible. Many managers feel this way. It is important that you keep an eye on the essentials and use your strengths where you can make a real difference.
Well prepared for all Change Projects with the Change Management Training
You may have already gained change experience and now want to expand your knowledge.
You want to accompany your companies transformation competently and get to know proven as well as innovative approaches? Is it important for you to be able to react flexibly to new challenges at any given time?
Perhaps you would like to use these skills to position yourself as a leader for future transformation projects?
You would also like to receive a well-founded change management training that incorporates many of the internationally recognised methods and optimally prepares you for future transformation issues?
Great! That's the exact change management training you've just found!
Navigating complex changes safely with change competence
I have tried many theories and concepts over the years. The most effective and at the same time easiest to apply were those that first look at change through the eyes of the employees. Where are they at the beginning of the journey, what experiences should they have at each point of the project to be well on their way? When I define this, I can look in my method toolbox for appropriate measures: the suitable process knowledge, the relevant psychological processes and the methods and tools for implementation that are suitable for the size of the transformation.
Change Management Training
Dieser Kurs ist die perfekte Zusatzqualifikation für alle Führungskräfte.
Er liefert auf den Punkt genau das, was Team Leader brauchen, um ihr Team sicher und motiviert durch die Transformation zu führen. Wir sehen das Change-Vorhaben durch die Augen der Mitarbeitenden. Wo dürfen wir sie abholen? Welches Interesse liegt vor? Welche Bedürfnisse ergeben sich wann? Was genau brauchen sie, um diese Veränderung aktiv mitzugehen? Unser Ziel: Unterstützung gezielt dort anbieten, wo sie benötigt wird.
Im Kurs bereiten wir alle relevanten Aspekte eines Change Prozesses strategisch vor:
– die Ressourcenbeschaffung
– die Kernbotschafte für eine gute und ehrliche Kommunikation
– den Rahmen für Mitgestaltung
– den Umgang mit Unsicherheiten und Wiederstand
– die passenden Möglichkeiten zur Motivation und Aktivierung des Teams
+ ein paar Zusatz-Optionen, falls es anders kommt.
Kursziel: Als Team Leader und Führungskraft in der Transformation optimal wirksam werden.
Duration: 4 Monate, umsetzungsbegleitend
Price: 3.300,-€ zzgl. MwSt.
This course is the perfect additional qualification for all change facilitators and leaders.
Er liefert auf den Punkt genau das, was Team Leader brauchen, um ihr Team sicher und motiviert durch die Transformation zu führen. Wir sehen das Change-Vorhaben durch die Augen der Mitarbeitenden. Wo dürfen wir sie abholen? Welches Interesse liegt vor? Welche Bedürfnisse ergeben sich wann? Was genau brauchen sie, um diese Veränderung aktiv mitzugehen?
Unser Ziel: Unterstützung gezielt dort anbieten, wo sie benötigt wird.
Im Kurs bereiten wir alle relevanten Aspekte eines Change Prozesses strategisch vor:
– die Ressourcenbeschaffung
– die Kernbotschafte für eine gute und ehrliche Kommunikation
– den Rahmen für Mitgestaltung
– den Umgang mit Unsicherheiten und Wiederstand
– die passenden Möglichkeiten zur Motivation und Aktivierung des Teams
+ ein paar Zusatz-Optionen, falls es anders kommt.
Kursziel: Als Team Leader und Führungskraft in der Transformation optimal wirksam werden.
Duration: 4 Monate, umsetzungsbegleitend
Price: 3.300,-€ zzgl. MwSt.
Success in numbers
years change experience
change managers trained
projects accompanied
countries in the scope
What makes my training programme different from all the others?
You, the trainee decide when you want to learn. All content is available to you when you need it. You will receive an online course with video elements, audio elements, step-by-step instructions, implementation examples, templates, tasks, checklists and helpful questions for implementation. Your learning progress is accompanied by an online group coaching programme. This means that you are always in contact with your fellow learners and can discuss your questions with them. Individual coaching sessions round off the package and give you the optimal support to lead your own change project to success.
In addition, my course platform gives you direct access to the tools, templates and explanations presented. And that beyond the duration of the course!
With this training you acquire knowledge AND the necessary infrastructure for implementation!
That is my idea of sustainable learning!
What makes my training programme different from all the others?
This training is designed as a hybrid programme and adapts to the learner's available time and implementation horizon. You'll receive an online course with
- Videos
- Audio elements
- step-by-step instructions
- Practical examples
- templates
- tasks
- checklists
- Questions that aid implementation.
Your learning progress is accompanied by an online group coaching programme. So hast Du in jedem Fall Kontakt zu einer Lerngruppe und kannst Dich zu Deinen Fragestellungen austauschen. Individual coaching sessions round off the package and give you the optimal support to lead your own change project to success.
In addition, my course platform gives you direct access to the tools, templates and explanations presented. And that beyond the duration of the course!
With this training you acquire knowledge AND the necessary infrastructure for implementation!
That is my idea of sustainable learning!
I have fond memories of working with Mrs Schrepfer on joint change projects. I appreciate her ability to convince people and mobilise them for new paths, her pragmatism, her conceptual strength and last but not least her optimistic and positive attitude.
Dr. Harald Diegruber
Business Coach
(Dialog und Sparring)
Kathrin's secret is her genuine interest in the other person's point of view.
This EMPATHY was the most important fuel in our collaboration to tap into my resources. In a phase of total professional disorientation, with Kathrin's support I managed to refocus my attention on the essentials.
I regained self-confidence, assertiveness and above all my CREATIVITY, which I thought I had lost, to face the challenges ahead of me.
Nicole Wehring
People Lead (Ottogroup)
Kathrin's superpower?
Personally tailoring the support needed to each in the way that projects need to be successful.
It was time-critical. It was risky. It was big shoes to fill. And it worked fantastically.
Getting support for an entire workshop session as an audio guide via Messenger is something I haven't experienced before. Any audio book isboring by comparison.
I couldn't have been better prepared. Thank you Kathrin!
Tina Niemann
(Passion for Better Work)
Kathrin's support is a particular asset for those who have to master challenging day-to-day business and profound changes at the same time. She understands the operational concerns of change leaders just as well as the complex demands on top management. Here one learns to see business situations in the context of necessary changes and to outline ways into the future that generate approval and motivation among employees. It explains the mechanisms of change, identifies the real causes of blockages and provides pragmatic help for self-help.
Ulf Weise
I have had the pleasure and good fortune to work with Kathrin over many years. An enthusiastic change manager who manages to align the meta-level and operational details. She manages to pragmatically convey modern approaches such as empowerment, agile or ambidextry while not forgetting classically relevant leadership topics. Both for me as a leader and for the team. Importantly, she brilliantly translates relevant needs of the team into concrete actions.... Her favourite phrase: "...and what do you need with it now...". Delightful! I am a fan of hers.
Bernard Marmann
VP (Airbus Operations Hamburg)
I have had the opportunity to work with Kathrin on major transformation projects for EADS. Kathrin always showed me how important it is never to take assumptions for granted when supporting people in the context of an important change. This means taking a pragmatic approach, always questioning the context and working without preconceived ideas about possible solutions. This way of working has helped us to understand the core problems and the real resistance to change more quickly and consequently to implement tailor-made solutions and tools faster, which has been of great benefit to the staff and the organisation. Furthermore, Kathrin is very empathetic and friendly and has a natural way of building trust because she simply cares about the people she supports and this makes a big difference.
Fabrice Mykita
Industrial Engineer
I met Kathrin in 2013 as part of a complex change and transformation programme. She impressed me with her respectful, unprejudiced and energetic way of approaching people. With her empathy, she immediately created a positive working atmosphere characterised by trust. In order to bring the different experiences and knowledge of the project members on one level, Kathrin designed, initiated and conducted a change management training (theory and case study) parallel to the transformation process. This training clearly helped to reconcile differences in language, understanding and perception of "change management" and created an important common ground in the project team. Her strong conceptual skills and willingness to implement are remarkable. Despite a heavy workload, Kathrin always took time for personal coaching. Dear Kathrin, thank you very much!
Albert Böhnisch
Consulting engineer and trainer
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